W/C 1st July – The Circus!

What a busy week we have had in Nursery! On Monday, we invited our parents and carers into school for a stay and play session and it was fantastic to see so many of you there. Thank you for making the afternoon such a success and the feedback that you all gave was lovely and gratefully appreciated.

On Tuesday, the circus visited Kenton Bar! The day began with Marko the clown showing us lots of different tricks. Nursery then the took part in a circus skills workshop where we learnt how to juggle, spin plates, use the diablo, ribbons and rainbow sticks. The children amazed me with their confidence in standing up on stage and showing their friends the different skills they had been taught. We finished the day with some dancing and a floating suitcase! What a brilliant day we all had, laughing and smiling throughout.

Next week is transition week in school. Please bring the Nursery children to Nursery as usual on Monday morning and we will then take the children through to their new classrooms. The Rising Three’s children will remain in Nursery as usual, where we will welcome some new friends during their visits.