W/C 7th May: Story mapping

In preparation for writing our own story ‘We’re Going on a Butterfly Hunt’ next week, we have written a story map of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We worked together to create the story map, representing each part of the story through our marks. We tried our best to use ‘froggy fingers’ to hold our pens, and showed good control while mark making. We then used the story map to retell the story with our friends.

On our outdoor day, we began by reading the story ‘The Very Busy Spider’. We went on a hunt for spiders, using the magnifying glasses, used the tweezers to rescue the bugs from the spiders web and did some weaving to make our own webs. Next week, we will be writing our own stories and will be looking at the next stage of the life cycle – when the caterpillar chrysalises.

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