
This week we had an extra special treat. We watched a pantomime of ‘Beauty and the Beast’. We all laughed, clapped and cheered and couldn’t believe our eyes when the beast turned into a prince!

You should have all received your invite for our stay and play session which is to be held at 10.45-11.30 on Wednesday 6th November – we look forward to seeing you all there! The children all cane home with an Autumn treasure bag for the holidays today. Please go for an Autumn walk together to collect some treasure. There is a checklist to help you on your way. Please bring the filled bags into Nursery on the first day back so we can explore and investigate them together. While on your walk it would be fantastic if you could take some photos and pop them onto Tapestry so we can share them in class. Happy hunting and have a super, safe half term!

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